First on a consideration of gaining weight while exercising, strengthening the body (particularly with strength training) means adding muscle weight. It is denser and therefore more compact and less fluffy than fat, plus burns more calories (and excess fat). New exercise regimens temporarily lead to extra water retention and glycogen storage, because both need to bind together to fuel muscles. When the body gets used to exercising and muscles strengthen, they become more efficient and need less fuel storage. Scales tend to do nil for tracking body composition(1).
There are various other considerations:
- A good run doesn't by itself burn quite a lot of calories. Sprint intervals do a lot more - sprinting at full speed during a run at intervals. Sprinting works the major muscles of the body(2).
- Intermittent fasting on rest days especially helps change body composition(2).
- A lot of folks eat way over what they actually burn during exercise(1,2), especially unhealthy foods(1). Eating without distractions like electronic devices may help pay attention to food and registering that it's going down the hatch; meal planning may help keep eating in bounds(2).
- The kind of fuel will cut down on hunger post-workout, including "eating healthy, complex carbs pre-run followed by post-run whey protein and water"(2) Baseline water consumption in a day STARTS with half one's body weight in pounds in ounces of water(1).
- Insulin resistance messes with glucose conversion into fuel(1).
- Thyroid issues, particularly underactive thyroids mess with metabolism and may cause weight gain(1).
Personal Product Favorites:
1. Anytime Fitness. "5 Reasons You're Gaining Weight While Working Out." Anytime Fitness. People, Purpose, Profits, Play: A Self Esteem Brands company. November 16, 2023. Web. March 26, 2024.
2. "When Runners Struggle to Lose Weight." Isagenix Health. Isagenix Worldwide, Inc. Web. March 26, 2024.