Everyone could benefit from optimal immune function, better memory, improved sleep, and better gut health. All these other areas also have links to what getting proper physical activity does for the body(1) - now set as a goal of 150 minutes a week of activities which elevate the heart rate!
Various everyday activities are integral (though not entirely exclusive) parts of the total recommended amounts - it's not completely dumbbells and morning jogs! Commuting on foot or shopping mean walking. Taking stairs instead of elevators engages all sorts of legs muscles. Kitchen tasks or gardening mean some lifting or other arm workouts(2). We're all meant to move!
1. http://www.isagenixhealth.net/7-reasons-to-move-more-and-sit-less/
2. https://www.bustle.com/articles/145518-6-everyday-activities-that-can-count-as-a-workout