- Vitamin B6 helps boost various brain functions and combat antibody invasion(2).
- Excellent levels of Vitamin C "control... inflammation by reducing oxidative stress levels and protecting against cancer, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline" plus help support healthy skin(1) and the immune system(2).
- Potassium dilates arteries and combats artery stress. Iron and copper also aid circulatory health and are especially critical for making "healthy red blood cells"(2).
- "[M]agnesium, copper and iron... help bolster mineral density in your bones."(2)
Unlike most other root veggies, jicama is low-calorie. High levels of fiber increase satiety, help support weight loss(1,2) help fight urges for excessive snacking(1), and support digestive tract health(2).
- Inulin, "a non-digestable dietary carbohydrate"(1) and soluble fiber, doesn't metabolize into simple sugar though tasting sweet and therefore is safer for diabetics(2). Inulin is a prebiotic, undergoing healthy, crucial fermentation in the gut. The resulting good bacteria give off "a few types of short chain fatty acids". These fatty acids help lower risk for "inflammatory diseases, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease", support further beneficial bacteria, and lower amounts of bad species of bacteria(1).
1. Wilkes, Angela. "What is Jicama?" Keto Meals and Recipes by Angela Wilkes. Angela Wilkes. Web. 13 Apr. 2022. https://www.ketomealsandrecipes.com/2017/05/05/what-is-jicama/.
2. Seward, Marc. "8 Benefits of Jicama." Healthy Focus. Healthy Focus LLC. 21 Mar. 2017. Web. 13 Apr. 2022. https://healthyfocus.org/benefits-of-jicama/.