Fruits and veggies have tons of phytonutrients, various naturally-occurring plant compounds with all sorts of various properties. Some will function as antioxidant vitamins(1). We will get a little taste of some:
Carotenoids are among the most common kinds. Red, yellow, orange, and dark green veggies all tend to contain them. They were named after carrots, a very well-known source. Beta-carotene is that famous carrot nutrient converting to Vitamin A in the body and helps support good eyesight - also add blood vessels and the immune system. Lycopene, that tomato stuff, helps support skin, eye, prostate, and heart health(1).
Flavonoids, another kind, are in berries to citrus to chocolate to onions and different veggies(1,2). They tend to have detoxification properties due to binding to heavy metals and others in order to pass through urine(2). Many tend to help support cardiovascular health. Citrus bioflavonoids team up with Vitamin C against the cellular ravages of free radicals. Metabolism and healthy aging support roles are demonstrated by resveratrol(1), the grape stuff [I don't say the product of it, red wine, because the wine adds alcohol to the mix and that messes with the brain].
Curcumin, an antioxidant in turmeric, a curry ingredient, has been implicated in over 50 healing functions, including detoxification support. Organosulfur compounds in many veggies also play roles in detoxification support as well as fighting cancer-causing agents(2). I will wrap up here. Personally, I take a number of supplements with high-quality sources of many of these phytonutrients - I would be happy to share if you'd like more information.
1. "Phytonutrients: Are You Getting Yours?" Isagenix Health, Isagenix International, LLC.,
2. Minich, Dr. Deanna. "5 Phytonutrients You Should Be Eating for Everyday Detox." GreenMedinfo,, 18 December 2016,