Those shots predominately have far more than deactivated virus or what-not. They may contain neurotoxic metals like mercury and aluminum; toxic sweeteners (how weird!); doses of formaldehyde certainly well before many will die; and other little surprises which may cause fever, vomiting (I had that!), hives, and salmonella(1).
Superfoods are super when we incorporate many sorts of them every day as the basis of our FOOD with immune boosting as just one little goal. So many fruits have Vitamin C and antioxidants [and far more great stuff]. Selenium is in egg yolks and Brazil nuts(2).
We eat anyway. Let's lay aside pitfalls of our nutritional journeys so we lay the groundwork we need most! My family thrives on the best superfood technology ever which provides us with superior absorption and density of nutrition to what we could buy and whip together on our own - please contact us for more info!