Too much meat and seafood are some of the highest contributors to uric acid(1,2), while overall protein intake doesn't seem to be a factor. [Having a truly balanced diet] will help balance uric acid as some foods decreasing gout risk are... "dairy, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains."
Alcohol(1,2) and sugary beverages(1) further promote gout, as with diuretics (or water pills)(2). It is important to note that obesity is a major gout contributor, and yet there may be temporary spikes in uric acid during the process of weight loss, especially if rapid, and with weight loss surgery. Monitoring by a health professional is essential for those with gout risk when making any significant dietary and lifestyle modifications(1).
1. "Concerned About Gout? Consult Your Doctor." Isagenix Health. Isagenix Worldwide, Inc. 24 Jul. 2017. Web. 14 Sep. 2020.
2. Mayo Clinic Staff. "Symptoms: High uric acid level: Causes." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). 30 Nov. 2018. Web. 14 Sep. 2020.